JS12 Setting up Tags, Statuses, Contact Types and Sources

In EngageMore CRM, you can add and track Tags, Statuses, Contact Types and Sources.  Here is how we recommend you use these searchable items within your contact cards:

CONTACT TYPES:  What kind of human are they?  Buyer, Seller, Tenant, Sphere, for example.  Assign the lead the contact type they were LAST to you.  

SOURCE:  How/Where did you get the lead?  Be sure you have a Source for ever Ad, Website contact form, Landing Page or Online Lead Source you get so you can easily track how well your marketing is working for you.   Examples of a Source would be:  Open House, Zillow, Facebook Ad, YouTube, Referral, Networking, Website Contact Form, 123 Main Street Ad Landing Page.  Be specific!  

IMPORTANT:  Many of the major lead sources are added to the Lead Specific Drip flows automatically so be careful about editing or removing those until you know if you are going to use the flows that match those sources.  Please refer to the Drip Flow lessons to learn more about sources we have added to the specific campaigns. 

STATUS:  We have set you up a number of recommended Statuses for you, but you can add, remove or edit them as you want.  Here is what we suggest and prebuilt for you:

  • 1 New - Brand New Lead your received who has not spoken to you
  • 2 Prospecting - Someone who has written or spoken to you, but not committed to working with you yet
  • 3 Active/Showing - You are showing homes or listing their home (or will be soon)
  • 4 Under Contract - Well, this is obvious - Not closed yet
  • 5 Closed - You closed the sale with the contact
  • Has Other Agent
  • Non-Client - this is good for someone who told you not interested or a vendor
  • Sphere - someone who has not told you they want to buy or sell, but you want them to get some marketing info, sphere campaign or holiday communication to stay top-of-mind in case they want to buy or sell in the future
  • Unsubscribed/Flows Stopped - someone who opted out but you want to track (always a good idea to keep so you can track how well your marketing is doing for you, if you delete, you can't track this)

FLAGS/TAGSUse these to provide yourself more info about the contact, such as what type of property, hotness level, price range, which drip campaign, action taken, etc.  We suggest you only create tags if you use them for more than one person. We have provided you an extensive list pre-built.  Add or adjust in a way that works best for your business.  

Note:  Don't make a flag/tag for Contact Type, Source or Status... you have places for that already.  If you make everything a tag it's difficult to run advanced searches with advanced filtering. 

Tracking your business within your database is so important. Take advantage of all these fields to help you to track, manage and search your database. 

***IMPORTANT WARNING***  Some of the Flow Tags and Intelligent Link flags are already built within saved searches that help you to identify your hot businesses with one click from your dashboard.  WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you DO NOT delete these or you will lose the great hot business searches we have built for you. Watch the lesson to learn the how and why of our intelligent flag searches we have set up for you.

Many of the drip campaigns will add in the contact types, sources, tags and statuses automatically for you when you implement a campaign.  Be sure to edit the sources for each of your lead sources when cloning campaigns.  If you delete any, they will also be removed from the pre-built campaigns.  Learn more about campaign editing HERE

Add/edit/deletge your Tags, Statuses, Contact Types and Sources in the Settings Tab. 

Add more by clicking the upper right icon:

Delete by clicking the item itself and then delete it:

In the Flags/Tags, you can add icons, flags, emojis and colors:

Add these items to your contacts by locating your contact and then clicking Edit Contact:

Add your source, status and contact type by choosing from the drop down within the contact card:

Add flags/tags to your contact here inside your contact card:

You can also quickly add Tags at the main contact card.  To remove a tag at this location, double click the tag and it will give you an option to remove.