JS5 Overview and Set-Up the Mail Merge Profile

Before you start sending any emails or newsletters, you want to be sure you set up the Mail Merge Profile.  This setup is so important because it is from this area that pulls your contact info to add to the email fields, especially when it comes to your signature footer, header etc.  DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.  If you start to send mail from the premade templates built for you, and you have not set up the Mail Merge Profile first, your signature line will not be there in the footer!!!  

IMPORTANT:  Using @gmail, @yahoo, @hotmail @msn as your sending email address could cause issues with deliverability.  It is in your best interest to use a business or domain-specific email (example support@engagemorecrm.com not engagemorecrmsupport@gmail.com). 

We suggest you send tests to yourself of the any emails or texts you personally create.  We highly recommend that you add yourself to the database as a prospect.  However, you don't want to use the same email you are using to send in the system because it may end up in the Spam folder if you send to and email address from the same email address.  So, add yourself in with a different email address as a new contact. 

OKAY... let's get your profile set up.  

The info in the Mail Merge Profile pulls into the merge codes of email and text templates we have pre-written for you automatically.  To set up your Mail Merge Profile, go to the  area in the upward right corner of your screen and click Mail Merge Profile. 

IMPORTANT!!!  Fill in the information in the mail merge profile BEFORE you do any emailing or texting.  We recommend you watch the video above for mail merge profile tips to get more email into the inbox!!

It is required that you verify your sending email address.  Be sure you do this immediately!! Click the Email Not Verified button and follow the instructions in the email you will be sent.  

When you have it verified it will look like this! 

Make sure you fill out all the spaces and identify yourself as an agent in the Full Name box as this is the FROM line of your email sends and it will help you tremendously to get your email open.  If you are an Impact Level user (or above), you have new monthly newsletter content available to you every month and you may want to fill out the Newsletter settings so your personal info merges in automatically into the new monthly newsletters.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have added a LIVE link to your website URL box - it must include the full URL including the https:// or whatever your website includes or the buttons within the pre-written emails that send your consumers to your website will not work.   Here is an example.  Be sure to click save when you are done filling this area out. 

You also have personal Mail Merge codes you can use to add to your email or text templates.  Be sure you watch the tutorial above to learn how and why to use these personal codes.  Here is an example of some codes you may want to add.  To use the codes in your email or text templates, you create the code by typing in %%profile.fieldname%%

Here is an example of the code you would add to your templates based on the fields we created below:  %%profile.MyLenderPhone%%    The great thing is that if you ever change your lender, you can just come here and replace the name, address and phone and you don't need to go into all of your templates to manually change the information.  We suggest you use this for any of your vendors, or get creative!