JS11 Customizing your Dashboard

Not Every Shoe Fits Every Person... so.... we have given you the option to create and customize your personalized Dashboard.  Add or remove your favorite widgets, searches, landing page stats, email stats and anything that YOU think is important to monitor all your business at a quick glance.  EngageMore cares about how you manage your world!  You can set it up to include all the items that make the most sense for what you want to track and see right there when you log in.

NOTE:  Be sure you watch the Navigation lesson too! 

Get this lesson in now and set up your CRM Dashboard the way you want it in just a few minutes with simple clicks, dragging and organizing! 

To customize your Dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of your home screen and click Customize.  You can also right click on your home screen and get the Customize option. 

Click add a Widget or a Tab:

Choose the Widgets you wish to add by clicking the widget Add button or remove an existing dashboard widget by clicking the trash can within the widget. Click the Pencil to edit the background color of the widget (optional).  When you add the widgets you can drag them around anywhere you want on your home screen. 

*** EXTRA TRAINING:  To create Counter Widgets like those above for 'Clicked Any Link,' be sure to watch the lesson on how to create Contact Counter Widgets HERE 

Click DONE when you have completed adding or removing the widgets to and from your dashboard. 

If you want to further organize your Dashboard, click add Tab and you can add any widgets you want to that tab.  Name/edit your tab by RIGHT CLICKING on the New Tab.