Overview and Set-Up of Intelligent Links
Your CRM is not just for sending emails and drip campaigns. Frankly, most don't even know that the CRM can be used to help you identify the hottest business in your database. With your EngageMore CRM Intelligent Link tools, you not only can identify when someone shows interest in what you are sending, but you can tell exactly what they clicked on and easily track and add them to specific drip flows based on what they specifically clicked on within your email.
In this introductory lesson of Intelligent Links we explain what they are, how they work to help you identify your hot and warm business and how to quickly use the Intelligent Link Click Flows we have pre-built for you.
NOTE: If you want to learn how to use your Intelligent links to automate your lead follow-up for incoming leads, be sure to watch the training on Using Intelligent Links to Market Your Business.