How to Add the EngageMore CRM Tutorial Widget to Dashboard
We have a new Quick Link Tutorial Widget we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you can add to your dashboard.
Here are the steps to add it:
1. Log into your
2. Within the address bar at the top of the screen where the URL is, remove everything and then copy and paste this URL in:
3. You should see a new Widget available on your dashboard that will look like this. Click the arrow to edit the widget.
4. Add a title of your choice (ie: Tutorial Quick Links) and then copy and paste the following into the box below: %%page:emtutorialwidget%%
Then, Click OK. The widget will be added to your dashboard. You can drag the widget anywhere you want on your dashboard and then click the done button at top right.
Here is how the New Tutorial Widget will look! You can click the links within this widget to take you to the back end training room lessons. Please note that at times we will add, edit or remove links to this Tutorial widget to stay up-to-date and/or provide you notices of upcoming events or updates you want to know about! Never miss anything new... be sure to add the widget as soon as possible.
P.S. If there is something you would like added to your dashboard that is personal to you, we would be happy to add a personalized Widget for you. Contact