How to Search & Delete Dead Leads with No Email or Text
If you would like to remove dead leads in your database that have no or bad emails and text numbers (both), here are search steps to do this.
1) Go to your Flags and set up two, if you do not already have these Flags set up. Email: Bad/Opt-Out and another Phone: Bad/Opt-Out
2) Go to your contacts and click on Advanced Search. Set up a search like this in image below first for email and send them to Client Touch. Go to group edit. Tag them all with the Email/Opt-Out.
3) Go back to your contacts and clear the search and go back and do it again for your text opt-in. Just run it for Text Opted Out. Send that group to Client Touch and at group edit, tag that group with your new tag that the phone is Bad/Opt-Out.
4) Back at contacts. Clear search. Now... go back in and run a search for both tags at one time and put ALL in match drop down. That means the entire list has BOTH tags. Send to Client Touch and delete. Done!