How to Update Your Credit Card
If your credit card expires or is declined or for any reason you will receive a notification that your EngageMore CRM membership is at risk of cancellation. It is important for you to log into your ThriveCart account (our billing service that connects to Stripe) and update your card immediately. When your card is declined for any reason, you will temporary lose access to your CRM account until your card is updated. Please be sure you update your card as soon as you get notice from our support and/or billing service ThriveCart.
Please note that you risk permanent cancellation of your EngageMore CRM account and database if you delay updating your card. We don't want that, as you will also lose your Voice Touch number and access to our Facebook Group too. Please don't let this happen to you. If for any reason, you do not choose to update your card, please provide us notification via email that you wish to cancel immediately. Write us at
PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer planning to use PayPal as a payment provider. If you have previously paid with PayPal you should not need to do anything until you need to update your card. When you need to update, please contact us directly and we will give you instructions on your next steps. Thank you!
To update your card, click the this link:
Use the email you used to purchase the product. This is the screen you will see.
Go to your email and open the email you received and click on the link.
Please update your card and save changes and this should get your card updated so you do not permanently lose access to your account. You can also update any other information you need at this time as well.
If you have any issues with this process. please contact ACCOUNTS@ENGAGEMORECRM.COM. Thank you